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How Do You Feel About Money? - Articles Surfing

Have you ever day dreamed about having loads of money? I have, and I do often. It's healthy to have day dreams like that. But it wasn't always like that for me. In the not-so-distant past, my thoughts and feelings around money were full of stress and angst. Money was a consistent source of tension for me. Not any more. I've learned to change my thinking about money. It's helped relieve a ton of stress, and it's also helped me start attracting more.

Try a little experiment with me. Think about the word money. How does it make you feel? Are you full of tension, angst, or any other negative emotions? If so, why do you think that is? It could be fear. You may fear that you won't have enough for that upcoming car payment. Or, you may fear that your business won't make enough this month to cover your expenses.

Negative emotions around money can also be driven by feelings of lack. You feel like you don't have enough ' like there are things out there that you want, but you just can't have because there is never enough money. Lack-thinking can also lead to believing that there isn't enough business for you ' not enough clients, not enough customers. This can lead to resenting your competition.

If you have negative emotions around money, I challenge you to change your thinking about money. How do you begin turning that around? Here are three steps to begin thinking differently about money:

First, be honest, don't you love the thought of having a ton of money? C'mon' I won't tell anyone ' admit it. Wouldn't it feel amazing to have a pile of money in your backyard? Having money is fabulous. Having money means security for your family. It means you can do fun things and that you can buy what you want to make life comfortable. Stop thinking of money as something you're constantly chasing and think of it as something in life that you really enjoy.

Do not be confused here. Material possessions are not a replacement for love, relationships, or the things that truly matter. In other words, money really can't buy you happiness. I'm not asking you to turn into a materialistic person. I'm just asking you to put a different spin on how you think about money.

Second, get rid of the lack mentality. When you think about money, think about the money you DO have, not the money you wish you had. When you find yourself stressed about paying the bills, turn that around and begin thinking about what have in your life already. For example, if you've got $5 in your wallet, and you find yourself stressing about the $150 phone bill, take a second and be grateful for the $5 in your wallet. I know that may sound ridiculous, but it's the way to start abolishing that lack mentality.

Third, realize that the idea of 'not enough,' is a farce. Universe is abundant. Do you ever worry about not having enough air to breathe? Do you ever worry that when you turn the tap on, water won't come out? The same is true with abundance. There is unlimited abundance out there. There is abundance available to you and those you might think of as competition. Your abundance is out there, you just need to keep taking steps toward achieving it!

So, how is changing your money mentality going to help you start attracting more of it? Positive thinking is going to automatically lift your spirits. When you're uplifted, and you are in a state of believing that you can achieve success, you immediately start developing ideas. When you are thinking with an abundant mind-set, you feel empowered, and you will probably be inspired to act on your ideas. Before you know it, you've taken enough action to create more abundance!

My challenge to you is to start changing your thinking about money. I'm not talking about living in a dream world. I'm simply asking you to shift your attitude toward money. If you feel uncomfortable with this, try it for a short amount of time. Try it for an hour or two ' just to see what it's like. If you like the way you feel, I encourage you to keep thinking differently about money. Start journaling around your experience and in a few weeks, see how things have changed for you!

Submitted by:

Jenn Givler

Jenn Givler is a Business Empowerment Coach. She teaches women entrepreneurs how to start and market their businesses. For weekly business tips and advice: http://www.jgivlercoaching.com/newsletter.html



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