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Article Surfing Archive5 Tips for Choosing the Best Airline Credit Card for You - Articles SurfingIf you need to fly for your work or for your personal life, an airline credit card can reap great rewards for the way that you travel. With these tips, you*re sure to pick an airline credit card that will work for you. 1. Who's sponsoring it? While most retailers accept nearly every credit card today, you will want to be sure that the retailers that you frequent will take the card that you choose. In order to increase the levels of frequent flyer miles that you have, you need to make purchases, so you need to be able to make these purchases without trouble. 2. Can you do balance transfers? In many cases, an airline credit card company will even allow you to do a balance transfer at a lowered interest rate. Though this might sound like shifting balances, it can help to increase the frequent flyer miles on the card. Check the card to see if you can consolidate your debts and get frequent flyer miles at the same time. 3. What are the restrictions? When you*re looking for a new airline credit card, you want to find out what kinds of blackout dates there are for redeeming your frequent flyer miles. If the policy restricts times when you want to redeem your miles, then you might not be choosing the right airline credit card for you. 4. Are there extras that you can expect? You will also want to look at the various airline credit card companies to see what kinds of travel extras they offer. Many cards will give travelers discounts on car rentals and offer travel insurance on purchases made with the card. You might also find that you can get emergency cash from the airline credit card when you*re traveling or roadside assistance should your vehicle encounter an accident or pothole. 5. And what are the fees? The main concern of many potential airline credit cardholders is that the annual fee that they pay is not relative to the rewards that they can expect. In order to be certain that you are getting a airline credit card that works with you, check to see what the annual fee is for a number of cards and then narrow the choices into moderate fees. When you have this group of airline credit card companies, see what the rewards are and make a decision from there. An airline credit card can make sure that you get where you want to go, but only If you take the time to research the fine print.
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