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Article Surfing Archive5 Ways to Find the Best Low Interest Credit Card for You - Articles SurfingIf you*re shopping around for a low interest credit card, chances are good that you already have good credit or you*re looking to transfer high balances. In any case, you need to know a few things before you sign up. 1. Shop around If you*re looking for a low interest credit card, you need to make sure that you*re investigating all of the possibilities. One of the easiest resources is the Internet for comparing various credit card companies and how they can help you. You can see many companies at once and then make your decision that way, instead of having to research each one individually. 2. Read the fine print Many people don*t take the time to read all of the restrictions before applying for a low interest credit card. While the initial interest rate may be low, there also might be a limited time to enjoy it. For example, many balance transfer offers are only good for a few months or even up to a year. So if you*re looking to pay down a balance by transferring, you want to be sure that you can do it in the limited time. 3. Balance transfers Because so many people now have outstanding credit card debt, people are looking for ways to cut down their interest payments. This can mean that people are finding lower interest rate cards to transfer to. And in many cases, these offer much lower interest rates than a traditional card. But these can be short-lived offers and will not extend to the rest of your history with the credit card company. 4. Have good credit Another way to find a low interest credit card is to already have a stellar payment history. The companies will see that you are living within your means as well as paying on time, and they tend to reward this kind of behavior. Be timely with your payments and keep the balances low. 5. Just ask In some cases, you may be able to turn your current credit card into a low interest credit card by simply asking. Of course, you will have to have a good history with the company that shows that you are paying your bills on time as well as not spending more than you can afford. Call the customer service department and ask if your interest rate can be lowered. It can really be that simple. A low interest credit card is a great way to start releasing yourself from credit card debt, but sometimes it's just better to not get into that situation at all.
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