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Article Surfing ArchiveAre You Caught In Insurance Politics? - Articles SurfingDid you know that there are certain kinds of medical treatments that insurance companies refuse to cover, even if a doctor deems the treatment necessary? It's true, and this truth may make you wonder, are politics involved when it comes to insurance companies and their health insurance policies? To a certain degree, we can assume politics are involved when it comes to insurance companies and the medical treatments they'll cover under their health insurance policies. These politics are due mostly to politics within the insurance industry itself, rather than the politics you think of when you think of the government. For example, many insurance companies refuse to cover certain medical treatments under their health insurance policies because of the cost of the medical treatments. Regardless of how effective the medical treatments are, if they are considered too expensive for the insurance company to pay, the insurance company won't cover the medical treatment under their health insurance policies. The same applies to insurance companies and homeowner's insurance policies. It's virtually impossible, if not completely impossible, to get flood coverage with your homeowner's insurance policy. Why? Because floods are quite common in many parts of the country, and the cost of fixing damages caused by floods is extremely expensive. Many insurance companies also won't cover homeowner's who own certain kinds of potentially dangerous animals, such as Pit Bulls, under their homeowner's insurance policies because of the how expensive the damages an attack from a Pit Bull can be. Is it really fair to refuse to offer certain kinds of insurance policies simply because a person happens to live in a flood-prone area, or own a certain kind of pet? Isn't that what insurance is all about ' helping people in the event of emergencies and accidents? Take a look at your insurance policy, and find out what isn't covered and why. You may just want to start searching for a new insurance provider.
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