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Bush Using Darfur, Aids To Salvage Failed Presidency - Articles Surfing

Rap Artist Kanye West had this to say: "George Bush doesn't care about black people!" -- Said during a Hurricane Katrina telethon.

After the Katrina disaster many polls indicated that large majorities of blacks believed that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina would have been considerably speedier had those trapped in New Orleans been rich and white, and that the slow response was an indication of continuing racial inequity in this country.

Most whites disagreed.

A poll average indicated that 72 percent of blacks thought Bush doesn't care, while only 26 percent of whites thought likewise, meaning a 74 percent majority of whites believe that Bush cares. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, said: "I do not think that this president cares about everybody in America..."

Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State, as expected -- defended Bush. Condoleezza, like Colin Powell are examples of blacks who have allowed themselves to be used by the Republican Party "for an illusion of 'black' inclusion," -- a party which not only acts, but commits to things anti-black and anti-minority for good measure.

Usually, when a professional team performs dismally, the coach is the first to go, even if the failure is with the players -- hence, the blame on Bush. In this instance, I believe the blame should be spread across the "system," a system initially born of hypocrisy and nurtured in racism and oppression, and which still does not sufficiently address stark inequities across this great nation.

Now, pictures don't lie[6]. African Americans were hit hardest. These pictures portray "3rd world living" in a first world nation.

Lets turn to Africa and Africans.

Over the years most U.S. presidents have not really cared about Africans, mainly Republican presidents, and I am not letting the Democrats off the rope either, for example Bill Clinton sat in the Oval office, busy "serenading" Monica Lewinsky, while Rwandans slit each others throats. Classified papers show Clinton was aware of "final solution"[1] to eliminate Tutsis, but buried the information to justify U.S. inaction.

Africans are ultimately responsible for their fate, but for a Superpower, that has colluded with Africa's former colonial masters -- to plant seeds of discord[2] in the continent, and to rape it bare of it's natural resources [in concert with some African dictators],...to date, to sit back and watch, is in my view unequivocally detestable.

Perhaps the biggest culprit of them all is Ronald Reagan -- "A serial liar with a Heart of Darkness who made Americans feel good about themselves[3]." To Reagan, Africans, Black Americans and Homosexuals were expendable, as he ignored and mocked the onslaught of AIDS[4], and propped up the apartheid regime of South Africa, a country with vast deposits of industrial diamonds.

At the peak of apartheid, in 1985, Ronald Reagan had the gall to proclaim that the "reformist administration" of South Africa had "eliminated the segregation that we once had in our own country." In 1986, Reagan gave a speech where he said Mandela should be released but denounced sanctions with crocodile tears, claiming that they would "hurt black workers," who were already ridiculously impoverished.

Reagan's legacy was: "Immoral, evil, and totally un-Christian." -- These were the words of Bishop Desmond Tutu, spoken on Capitol Hill at a US committee hearing in late 1984. It was just after Reagan's easy re-election. Tutu had just been awarded the Nobel peace prize for his non-violent struggle against apartheid in South Africa.

Yet, American companies continued to do business with racist South Africa under the stewardship of the "president of sunny optimism."

Meanwhile, apartheid rained death on black Africans.

American governments do not care about Africa -- they never bothered about Rwanda [Clinton], and Bush has not bothered about Darfur until now, after hundreds of thousands have been killed by the despicable and moronic militia, the Janjaweed -- supported by an "Islamic Terrorist" government of the Sudan, that does "OIL" business with large U.S. companies.

Now, that his legacy seems headed to the dustbin, and amidst intense pleading by the International community -- Bush suddenly cares?

Do I think Bush is a bigot. No. I think he is part of a predatory, lying, devious and hypocritical system, an elitist system of government that doesn't really care about the poor, and whenever they seem to do, it is always with debilitating strings attached.

Some may argue that the United States gives the third world millions of dollars in aid. That's a fallacy, for most U.S. aid actually winds up subsidizing American corporations. So, U.S. foreign aid serves not only as a coercive instrument of foreign policy but also to support private U.S. contractors, universities, banks, consulting firms, lobbyists, and many others. Foreign aid is a lucrative business, and America always ends "repatriating more" back to the United States than what it "donates" as "foreign aid."

STOP! Wonder why illegal migrants are flocking into the United States?

Click here[5] to find out how greedy the "First World" is.

The world bank, whose leader is appointed by the sitting U.S. president, is a monstrous arm-twisting tool used to "coordinate" American interests in the third world, and the sorry fact that some third world leaders are a bunch of heartless nincompoops, just worsens the situation. They steal the "Foreign Aid," profit from it and repatriate the proceeds back to western banks -- whose governments look the other way.

Bush's Darfur initiative -- is a little too late? Probably. As for AIDs -- Better late than never.

That said, the Sudanese government is guilty of "ethnic cleansing" and crimes against humanity, crimes against black Sudanese peasants, and the leaders of this regime must be brought to justice.

This is the war Bush should be fighting and not the bottomless pit in Iraq that reportedly has claimed close to a million Iraqi lives and thousands of U.S. military men and women, not forgetting the millions who have been driven away from their homes.

But, guess what, because they have OIL, they got away with harbouring Osama bin Laden, and now they will get way with genocide -- courtesy the United States, China and all other predatory western nations, who have repeatedly used Africa like a disposable mistress.

References: [Web Pages Referred To In Article]

[1] -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1182431,00.html
[2] -- http://www.marxists.org/subject/africa/rodney-walter/how-europe/index.htm
[3] -- http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/7340/
[4] -- http://zmagsite.zmag.org/Jan2004/bronski0104.html
[5] -- http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Helen_Caldicott/Third_World_Debt_IYLTP.html
[6] -- http://www.clubafrika.com/photos/cpg133/index.php?cat=10010

Submitted by:

James Opiko

James Opiko writes for AfroArticles.com and PoliticalArticles.NET. Share, discover, bookmark, and promote your News and, Stories at WorldNewsBookMarks.com.



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