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Article Surfing ArchiveLiberal View: Post September 11, 2006 Presidential Address - Articles SurfingLast night's primetime address to the nation on the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was more of a fear-provoking missive than a reverent reflection on the traumatic events of 5 years ago. The White House had billed Present Bush's address as a time for the nation to come together under the same glow of unity we as Americans felt on that terrible day when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were attacked in the name of a terrorist agenda. Instead, the seventeen minute broadcast into America's living rooms had a crafted, manipulative edge; Bush was there to not to soothe but to stir. Bush was there to thump his chest and force support for this largely unpopular and out of control war in Iraq. Dan Froomkin, columnist for Washingtonpost.com said." It's hard to imagine that [Bush] could have been more divisive if he'd tried. And with most Americans no longer trusting the president, it's hard to imagine the speech served him well." The language of the speech was ominous and threatening, and the effect of this surprising approach will not be known for some time. The anniversary of 9/11/2001 is so raw for so many people and to offer a speech like that to America at the end of a very emotional day might have just pushed the public opinion even further away from the Bush presidency. Rather than put salve onto the wounds of his public, Bush chose to pour salt. He attempted to convince Americans that the war is not only purposeful, but an essential campaign against all Islamic radicals who are determined, in Bush's words, to "bring death and suffering into [American] homes.' Many liberal and moderate voters are feeling that Bush has divided the country and is no longer even remotely resonating with them. Divisive speaches such as this one do not help the majority of American's agree with Bush's Message.
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