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Article Surfing ArchivePolitcal Blogs: Media Tools - Articles SurfingA recent study conducted by Hansard Society in UK revealed that there was a clear indication that the use of political blogs can be a media resource to increase the politicians' transparency and accessibility. Political bog can be an alternative vehicle to channel political communication. In the study conducted, the researches made use of eight political blogs as examples of these political blog instruments to promote political commitments. The researchers monitored these sample eight political blogs and assigned a blogging 'jury' to examine the relevance of these political blogs in channeling political views. Findings from the said study reveal that: political blogs could be significant tool to political engagement since they are an informal and inexpensive way to enter into political debate. Another important point is political blogs does not put barriers between public and private spaces thereby allowing politicians to be themselves. No need to put up a public self separate and distinct from a private person. Low-cost blogging software allows easy construction and updating of political blogs thereby making it accessible to many. Political blogs appealed to the users because it allow visitors to engage in debates with the bloggers. Sort of, a forum to express their views. This feature makes the political blog very popular. On the other side of the coin though, blogs are easy to navigate but often their content is quite unappealing. Considering political blogs are still in its early years of development, its effects in political arena are still in the formative stage. Political blogs are subject to experimentation and will continually evolve. As time goes by, political blogs role in getting the politicians and the electorate together will become clearer. In the United States, this is an election year after all. And how political blogs are used there to promote political ideals and chosen candidates will be the perfect example. Many political junkies created political blogs to serve as the starting point for their debates and discussion on every subtle hint of abstract swordplay between opposing candidates. As a conclusion, political blogs could be of tremendous benefit to the politicians if used as platform to listen to the constituent's opinion. Political blogs create a unique society where the ordinary persons could talk to the people in power and have their voices heard. Of course, politicians must focus on listening to the people's views for the political blogs to be effective rather than use it as another tool to broadcast their accomplishments and views.
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