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President John F. Kennedy: Breaking Through the Shroud of an Untimely Demise - Articles Surfing

I quote, with redundancy, from the biography of John F. Kennedy to summarize the legacy of this American martyr. Unfortunately, many citizens of the United States know little about that legacy. Here was a man who chose to fight political corruption in a manner never attempted by any president other than Abraham Lincoln. Kennedy genuinely put America and all Americans first, and under his leadership, the powerful and corrupt were put in second place. His fearless actions eventually led to an untimely death. He died a martyr, and he continues to die every November 22nd of every year, for me and for many others.

This will continue until corruption is ripped from our United States government. It will continue until all politicians enter rehab to kick their nasty addiction to the most dangerous drug of all: absolute power. It will continue until powerful unknowns stop waiting for everyone directly involved to simply pass away, leaving no one to prosecute. It will continue until these people stop putting decades of distance between that tragic day, and allow us Americans in on intelligence that could possibly bring an end to the mystery shrouding Kennedy's death. The Kennedy assassination was bigger than the whole of America ' bigger than the world will ever know. But Kennedy's death was miniscule compared to the underlying reasons for his assassination.

The United States of America is a well-oiled machine. Massive! Superior! But every machine has its defects. Technicians are trained to eliminate these problems and keep the machine running. One of the biggest defects in the American machine is patriotism. Not the kind of patriotism where silly Americans wave the flag and scream, "I'm proud to be an American!" I'm talking about true patriotism ' the kind where Americans are willing to look below the surface. Look at those who will stop at nothing to control our government and the world. Look through the shroud that cloaks our America. Stop at nothing to allow the citizens therein to view our America and its processes with clarity. That, my friends, is true patriotism.

Every machine produces waste. In the case of our country, the waste produced is most often the blood of our citizens. The technicians refer to this waste as collateral damage.

That's just the way it is!
That's the way it's always been!
That's the way it will always be!
That's the American way!

In these pettifogging times where the democratic/republican process seemingly hovers above the masses of American society, remember one thing: in truth lies the most complex of enigmas.

In an age of uncertainty from within a society governed; a secretively, seemingly unreliable government for which the United States was founded, breaths unnoticeable corruption from alleyways never meant to be walked upon by you or I! With two words stamped unto highly secured documents at unprecedented levels of our massive government, TOP SECRET, locks you and I, pawns, out of a world for which our deaths mean nothing in the succession of the objectives therein'

American democracy was founded of the people, by the people, and for the people, but that's what you're conditioned to believe America! With man being unquestionably fallible, the questioning of mans every action by other men is deathly pertinent. Therefore, if you're asking the questions of man in this day of unquestionable corruption. Corruption collectively orchestrated at the highest of levels, then I advise you to equip yourselves with one very important tool: a shovel; for you are sure to be repeatedly buried in shit.

Submitted by:

A.K. Kuykendall

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blends the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit The Writer of Books or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this article, write to breakingthrough@thewriterofbooks.com.



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