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Article Surfing ArchiveReluctance: Food For Thought (It's All Connected) - Articles SurfingThe foundation of world religions was formed when a few men dug under a tree and pulled out some of the most beautiful mushrooms. The men consumed the mushrooms, and they subsequently created every god known to man ' gods faithfully followed and worshipped by many. Are you familiar with that Old Norse myth called Doomsday? Judgment Day? The end of the world? In my study (not following) of world religions, I have discovered many items that have me flummoxed and astounded. In my Christian study (again, not following), I've repeatedly asked myself one question: Who really rules the world? Many people would blindly and boldly answer, "God, who else?" But according to the Christian bible, not Jesus Christ, nor his Father, or Mother, or what have you, is the real ruler. In John 12:3, 14:30, and 16:11, Jesus said, "The ruler of this world will be cast out and that the ruler of the world is coming." He, she, or it also stated that "this ruler has no hold over he." Therefore, the ruler of this world, no matter the proclaimed belief system, is in direct opposition to Jesus Christ. People, go ahead and, aloud, ask yourself the question making its way through the cortexes of your mind: Who could this be? The feeble efforts of humanity make me sick to my stomach. The world has suffered and continues to suffer to this day, proving one fact: nothing has changed. Everyone says they want peace on earth and good will toward man. However, we kill one another, hate one another, plot against one another. We do it every day. Humanity, that collective which wishes for peace on earth and good will toward man, is the inventor of cruelty; of merciless and heinous methods of slaughter; of napalm bombs, physical and psychological torture, gas chambers, flame-throwers, concentration camps, even a possible escaped biological weapon called AIDS. What lures us to take part in such deeds? What coaxes us into situations where we feel compelled to act with such viciousness? Is someone leading the way ' an invisible force tempting you and I to commit inhumane acts? Many of you accuse Satan of this deviance. In my study and in my research, I have come to an opinionated conclusion. If, in fact, this world is some sort of Middle Earth nestled between heaven and hell, then man is both the god and the devil, battling within himself. Are you contemplating the possibility? I pray that you do. I believe, as do many people who are faithful to the Christian faith or the study thereof, that the Christian bible contains information about the future. That is if this ingeniously written and fanatically marketed text is the work of truth and not of fiction. The Christian bible tells its faithful followers to turn the other cheek. In clear contradiction, the text also tells its faithful followers that for an eye, an eye shall be taken. We, as a species, are just as backwards as this age-old text. Why is it that when we refer to the entity known as God, we refer to he, she, or it as He? Who are we to place labels upon an entity supposedly so powerful? I know the bible promotes God to be a man, but the literature written within this Christian text has always been the work of man. Am I supposed to believe that this entity known as God ' he, she, or it ' pulled out a Universal Underwood typewriter and pounded out a few things? That God wrote this text, which has manifested as one of the greatest stories told? It is a blind following. People, followers, collectively refuse to comprehend that their belief system is a product of evolutionary conditioning. Man has even conditioned and manipulated women, our precious givers of life, into believing this "He" mess as well. Ladies, you might as well pay homage to Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis ' the most hated man known by women. We have been backwards since day one, when Mother Earth (Gaia) permitted us to populate her surface. We have been backwards since the time when this planet lie barren, and from the heavens dropped the DNA of a piss-poor race: the human race, a subservient hybrid planted on this world from an extended extraterrestrial existence. We have been backwards since the time when, for fear of interplanetary extinction, a plan to procreate a species was put into play by this extraterrestrial race, upon a planet mankind eventually named Earth. To this day, our creators remain with us, constantly categorizing, monitoring, and evaluating this species of their strategic creation. The purpose for our species is still unknown. Planet Earth could, in actuality, be a sort of cattle farm, raising free-range humanoids for extraterrestrial diets. Who really knows? The human race might be, thus far, the kings and queens of this planet, but one notch lower on the evolutionary food chain than assumed. Our creators have revealed themselves to us throughout the centuries. This is what motivated the first of the humanistic species to write, however undeveloped the ability to convey a clear message. This subspecies, the humanoid, did what it has always done: record the baffling anomalies surrounding it from day to day. People wrote of these sightings and appearances as if they were looking upon gods, for these creatures obviously had abilities far superior to their own. Beings with the power of flight, winged creatures ' angels, they wrote! Beings able to move unmovable stones with no hands, with only the whistle of sound, creating structures that, to this day, remain an architectural mystery. In every arrival of these anomalies (as written, the arrival of God, the creator), their entrance has always been by way of smoke and fire. As time evolved, these beings continued to appear to our species. This experiment elevated and moved into its next phase, which traveled the psyche of generation after generation of humanity's ongoing, futile existence. The Holy Bible, and the contradictory literary contents therein, were created! This text came after the death of a supposed man who is now a lasting symbol for mankind. An extraterrestrial was cloaked in the skin of a humanoid and the first of a successful intermingling was initiated: Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was written of as the only begotten son of smoke and fire, for into this the anomaly levitated and vanished following resurrection. Mankind will never understand the alien within, as man is but a shell ignorantly referring to this alien as a soul. This is how it has been since the world and mankind came into existence. The infinite purpose of these internal aliens is, has, and will always be to deceive mankind, to inveigle mankind, and primarily, to obfuscate mankind.
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