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Super Tuesday - Articles Surfing

I saw a news clip recently where the reporter stopped people on the street and asked them how they were preparing for 'Super Tuesday.' The people, mostly young, didn't have a clue as to what Super Tuesday meant. I understand that Obama is attracting younger voters. Apparently it was none of the those interviewed.

I don't know why this clip was on so long after Super Tuesday. In Florida, you'll remember, we had a primary that didn't count. If I didn't know better I'd swear that the DNC is run by Republicans.

We are now approaching Stupid Tuesday; so named for the last two elections when we elected George Bush. I watch a lot of TV, mostly MSNBC and I still couldn't explain Obama's or McCain's platform. Florida">All the stations spend hours and sometimes days discussing some slip of the tongue which one of the candidates, their advisors, wives or ex-ministers made.

My preparation for Stupid Tuesday will be much the same as for Super Tuesday. I'll buy a case of Natural Light, which as of this writing is a beer made by a US company. Then I'll drink the beer as I watch the returns come in. If I wake up the next day, my miserable life won't have changed much no matter who the next President is. The only bright spot, if Obama wins, will be to call my friend Mike and rub it in. That is if he hasn't already committed suicide.

I love debating with Mike. His political philosophy is that pretty much everything bad that happens, from earthquakes to the civil war in Uganda, is the fault of the democrats. I'm not sure why, but I am a registered Democrat. The only issue that I seem to agree with is that the war in Iraq was a bad idea. However, the Dems don't seem to have a plan to end it.

It's a sad thing that after a year of primaries Obama and McCain are the best this country has to offer. McCain is just too old. Just like Brett Favre it's hard to hang up the spikes. I am interested in who will be the running mates for each candidate. It's hard to believe that Obama and McCain haven't given it some thought over the past year. Lee Iacocca, in a recent editorial, had the same idea as I. He would like to know who the cabinet will be before Stupid Tuesday. I was disappointed to hear today that one politician that I actually like, Joe Biden, is not interested in the VP job.

As I don't agree much with the Dems or Republicans; I'll be changing my political affiliation to Independent as soon as get some free time. For some reason you can't do it over the phone or by letter. So come Stupid Tuesday, I'll probably be home. I'm not undecided as you may be thinking. I have decided to vote for neither. So no matter who gets elected and screws up, I'll be able to say 'I didn't vote for him.'

For those of you whom are undecided; here are some factoids may help you pick our next president or explain why I'm staying home.
The Iraq war was a bad idea. There were no WMDs, we are not paying ourselves back with oil and we are no safer.

If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one. In any case the decision should not be left to Obama or McCain.

We need an energy plan. Maybe we can't drill our way out of the oil crisis, but that's not a reason to not drill at all. Oil should not be used to generate electricity when we have nuclear, wind, coal, hydro and natural gas. There is oil shale in Colorado and Canada. Use it. If the USA doesn't have to import oil, most of the middle east problems will go away.

The stock market is down and I can't sell my condo or boat. It's not my imagination. Phil Gramm is right about one thing. We are a nation of whiners. The Democrats are probably the worst. We expect too much from our government. I know George Bush told you to go shopping after 9-11. But, if you bought a house you can't afford that's tough.

The Supreme Court is not always right. What's wrong with the death penalty for someone that rapes a child? Is his life more valuable than those of our boys in Iraq?

Neither Obama nor McCain have experience as Commander in Chief. As McCain was raised in a military family, he knows more buzz words. However, being shot down and captured doesn't make you a Commander or a hero. Audie Murphy was a hero.

Lower tax rates on dividends is not favoring the rich. The corporations have already paid taxes on that dividend. Get smart. For little Johnny's next birthday buy him a share of Harley Davidson stock rather than that stupid toy from China.

In the USA we speak English. If you are voting here it means you have been in the USA at least 5 years. Learn English. Obama's answer to the illegal immigrant problem is for me to learn Spanish. 'Obama are you loco?'

So get out and vote this November. If everyone stayed home like me our next president could be picked by my friend Mike and we wouldn't want that.

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Bob E Sherman is a columnist for the Waterfront News and author of the book Am I the Only One That Signals? http://www.bobesherman.com



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