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Article Surfing ArchiveThe Conservative Reaction To The September 11, 2006 Presidential Address - Articles SurfingLiberal Americans claim that Bush over-politicized the Presidential Address made on the Fifth Anniversary of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon ' what we all remember to be the largest terrorist attacks ever on American soil. Realists contend that you cannot reflect on the events of September 11, 2001 without placing that day on a continuum of global politics. Both parties are arguing not only about the current war in Iraq, but also on the broader ideology of fighting terrorism. Of course it was impossible to come away from the President's address feeling unafraid. But why should we ignore the very real threat that looms over our country? Do we have a day to waste completely focusing on our mourning or is our ongoing anger and suffering better used to boost more support for the current military campaign? It is impossible to live in times like these and not live under an umbrella of fear. However, without Bush bravely leading our country in this campaign against terrorism it is difficult to image what kind of world - if any - we will be leaving to our children. These are tough times -- but like anything, it always gets worse before it gets better. Our troops are not operating under a draft situation; they are volunteering to be a part of the world's strongest and most technically advanced armed forces. How can we forsake the 3000 American lives that have already been lost in this war by pulling out now? Do liberals truly live in such denial to assume we have neutralized the Islamic threat if we were to leave now? On September 11, 2001 I remember crying. I also remember the intense anger that rose up inside of me and every other American I know. This anger is what led thousand of Americans to enlist in the war. We cannot be expected on the anniversary of September 11 to enjoy a day of national peace when we are not yet at peace. The threat still looms in our skies. Anything bedsides maintaining firm, aggressive footing in the Middle East is a slap in the face of American families who have lost their sons and daughters in this brave American fight against the very terror that encroaches on our hard-earned freedom.
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