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Article Surfing ArchiveU.S. Marines - A Strong History Of Bravery And Service - Articles SurfingThe United States Marines are a highly specialized branch of the U.S. Military, known for their rapid deployment and amphibious warfare abilities. The mission of the Marines is triple-pronged; to defend or seize naval bases and other land operations as needed, to develop equipment and tactics that will advance the capabilities of amphibious landing forces, and to perform other duties as directed by the President. Created on November 10, 1775 as the Continental Marines, this small force originally consisted of infantry soldiers who served aboard naval vessels, defending the ship, engaging in combat during landing and boarding actions, and manning any raiding parties. Having been involved in every armed American military conflict since, the force quickly evolved. During the War of 1812, Marines participated in frequent frigate battles, which were some of the first American victories in this eventually lost conflict. Though they still fought, the Marine forces experienced decline and disorganization in the latter part of the 19th century. It wasn't until the Spanish-American War of 1898 that the Marines entered what is often considered their formative years. During the conflict, Marines were responsible for leading forces ashore and were able to demonstrate their invaluable ability to deploy quickly. This was when the Marines seized Guatanamo Bay, a base still used today by the United States Navy. The Marines continued to play a crucial role in the first World War, and would capture America's imagination and pride in the Pacific battles of World War II. Marines were absolutely essential to the success of difficult island battles such as Tarawa, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima, a seize made famous by the infamous flag-raising photograph that is so often used as a symbol of victory and military commitment. Today, Marines are very focused on infantry development. Their philosophy emphasizes the importance of close combat, rather than depending solely on strategic bombing or more distance-oriented battle. Prized for their ability to deploy rapidly, their loyalty, and their proud traditions, the United States Marines are an integral part of the United States' Department of Defense.
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