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Article Surfing ArchiveWhat A #2 America Will Look Like? - Articles SurfingAround the year of 2015 American's world as they currently know it will changes dramatically. To think about the concept of becoming #2 in the world makes people's hair stand up on their back of their necks. The confidence of the Country is going to be shattered and a new psychological outlook will emerge. What will the country look like? The Economics of #2: A country in the #2 position has a marked disadvantage in terms of its ability to obtain advantageous trade agreements, business contracts and develop a lucrative business environment. One of the reasons why the business environment will become more difficult is because there is less leverage. The best contracts are reserved for the country in the #1 spot. The citizen of the #2 country may find that their money doesn't purchase as much as it did in the past and this is due in part to the declining value of the dollar. When the dollar is deflated in price it purchases less bread, goods, and products. Therefore, the standard of living declines and people must learn how to do more with less. It is also important to know that the cost of borrowing money as well as making purchases increases and this causes the economy to decline domestically. Corporations and businesses cannot expand without some level of in-house cash reserves. With interest rates being high and additional fees on borrowed money the economy will become more cash and carry in orientation. The Psychology of #2: When a country is in the #2 position it naturally changes the way it approaches and deals with other countries. No longer can politicians come in like a 'bull in a china shop' (no pun intended) and must use more finesse then bullying tactics. Since there is a country stronger then the U.S. in the world we cannot have our desires imposed on other countries without them at least appealing to the #1 position. Americans are also unlikely to be as confident about their future as they were in the past. Therefore people will come to the understanding that they have a lot to learn from other countries and this will push Americans to work harder, open up their minds and learn about the world around them. The 'American Way' will not be the only way. It is also likely that a country that moves into the #2 position will change the way it looks at important social issues. Since America is a country striving against great enemies all the social issues that plague the nation in terms of gay marriage, affirmative action, women's liberation will fade into the background. There will be less tolerance for people who sway from what is seen as 'American'. Even though the country will appear the same on the inside as it did in the #1 position there will be a new found reality that will move into the American conscious that we are not the 'chosen' ones. Americans will come to the realization that they must strive for success and simply sitting for hours idly in front of the television won't make that happen.
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