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What Next For Rudy Giuliani? - Articles Surfing

On March 13, 2008 Rudy Giuliani pitched in for McCain who had to go vote in the senate. Rudy headlined a $1000 a plate luncheon for McCain saying that he believed that the Republicans could win Pennsylvania. Rudy stated: 'Someone like John McCain that has outreach to independent and to Democratic voters, this is a perfect state for him.'

His help was in no way a surprise as on January 30th, a day after a decisive defeat in Florida's primary, Rudy Giuliani dropping out of the presidential race, backed John McCain saying, "He came from way behind to go way ahead, and once again displayed his tenacity, his courage, his ability to focus, his ability to get things done," Giuliani said, referring to McCain's surge over the past two months. "I can't imagine a campaign that better demonstrates who the person to be president of the United States should be."

McCain said of Rudy, '"I want to thank my dear friend, my dear friend Rudy Giuliani, who invested his heart and soul in this primary and who conducted himself with all the qualities of the exceptional American leader he truly is."

Rudy also stated that he was 'not seeking any position in government,' he said. 'I am going to be a very enthusiastic and active supporter of John McCain. I have offered, anything he or his campaign believe I can do, I will do for them.'

His endorsement of McCain was not unexpected as he had stated during a debate 'that if I had not been running, I would be supporting John McCain."

Giuliani has said that he is not thinking about any future public office but that he did not rule it out. Giuliani as a VP? Not likely. Rudy is perceived as being a moderate conservative due to his reputation of being pro-choice , pro-gay rights , and pro-gun control. His reasoning behind these views, however, does show him to be more conservative than what the media has led us to believe. For example, his reputation of being prochoice does not mean that he favors abortion. In fact, during his years as mayor of New York City, the amount of adoptions increased 135% with a corresponding decrease in the number of abortions. He does not favor abortion, he feels 'that ultimately the government should leave that decision to a woman and her conscience'. He is for gun control only to the extent that 'anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they're intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun'. He is depicted as being for pro-gay rights as he supports domestic partnerships but he does believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. On the surface, his stands on the issues appear almost moderate but when one considers the reasons for those views, he is actually conservative.

With Rudy's label of 'moderate' and the current consensus that the ideal candidate for vice president would be more conservative than McCain, younger than McCain, while bolstering McCain's weakness in economics, it is doubtful that Rudy will be considered as a candidate for vice president.

So, what does the future hold for Rudy Giuliani? Word has it that he may be considering running for governor of New York if David Paterson resigns as governor. That may be a big 'if' as Paterson's revelations of impropriety have not seemed to effect his reputation.

What next for Rudy? Will McCain find a place for him? Will Rudy work for his Houston-based law firm, Bracewell & Giuliani? A lot will depend on who wins the election this fall. And a lot will depend on the news is reported. How it is spun. What facts are covered and what is conveniently left unsaid. You have seen that how Rudy is viewed depends on how his views on the issues are presented, so remember that when you read any of the news. Read it from more than one source and investigate further. Ask yourself, 'Is this all? How is this slanted? What has been left unsaid? What is the agenda of the author?' Do your research and find the truth. Then you will be informed.

Submitted by:

Susan Bernau

Susan Bernau writes articles that are newsworthy and to the point. More news and the latest news can be found at Rudy Giuliani Can - recommends John McCain!!



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