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Because Of Freedom And Democracy, The West Can Never Win The War On Terror - Articles Surfing

Since America's formation in 1776, "The Bill of Rights" is cherished in the heart of every American. The article deals with the doctrine of religious freedom and diversity and expresses the following:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

This statement is considered as a commandment and makes it extremely difficult for Americans and other Westerners, as they have similar articles in their Constitutions, to identify an enemy based upon his religious beliefs The American President, followed by the European leaders, declared however after the 9/11 assault, that this terrorist act was executed by only a small number of radical Muslims and spoke about Islam as a peaceful religion and even called it a religion of justice and morality. When I saw however, after this tragedy, millions of Muslims cheering in the streets "all over the globe", I got an uneasy feeling. Let me however stay with the facts.

'The West is confronted by a religion, Islam, that preaches the physical extermination or forced conversion of all non-Muslims? I quoted several statements in the Koran in my previous article confirming this.

'The Koran commands all Muslims to engage in "jihad" until the entire world is "dar al Islam" (= under Islamic rule).

'The Koran refers to all non-Muslims as "pigs" and "monkeys".

'According Samuel P. Huntington, 75% of all major conflicts are between Muslims and "infidels". See my website about my book "A Holy Terror": http://www.westernfreedom.com (page justification).

'Muslim birthrate is by far the world's largest. This has also as consequence, that the immigrated Muslim population in Europe and the United States grows much faster than the native people. The majority of the immigrants are not willing to integrate in the Western society.

'Many Muslim countries are eager to develop nuclear- and other weapons of mass-destruction (see Sadam Hussein and the discussions with Iran).

The West is frustrated and acts the wrong way, probably causing in the end its own destruction. I explain: especially the Americans try to impose Democratic Governments on Muslim countries; we did in Turkey after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, and now, the U.S. tries to do the same in Iraq. However, it does not work out because Islam and Democracy are contradictory

Bringing Democratic Governments into power also allows, by the definition of Democracy, the rise of old or new fundamentalist parties. This is what happened in Turkey. In 1996- 1997, Erbakan, a fundamentalist leader of the Welfare Party was prime minister of the land. In 1980, his party was banned and he was excluded from politics for 7 years. Erbakan's Welfare Party was again outlawed in 1997 after a long campaign led by the Turkish military and forces afraid of a disintegration of the country by its possible Islamization. Erdogan the actual Prime Minister has worked earlier close with Necmettin Erbakan. He actually follows however a secular course. Suppose Turkey would become member of the EU, it would be the second biggest country (in population) after Germany and it would not take long before Turkey would become the biggest. How will Turkey react in case of a conflict between Europe or the U.S. with an Islamic State? As before, all will depend of which side the army will take. Until now, they have taken the side of the secularists, but that could change very quickly.

The whole situation is very uncomfortable for the West. The Americans and Europeans are deceiving themselves by thinking that the terrorist threats are only caused by a small minority of Muslim radicals. No one has the courage to declare that the Islamic teachings are the real reason for the violence; and when a politician expresses in that way, he is immediately silenced and accused of racism.

The West should however know better. The situation resembles the situation during the 1930's and early 1940's. Hitler's National Socialists were in the beginning also considered as a harmless minority, but soon eighty percent of the Germans raised proudly their right arm performing the Hitler salute. As now, the European leaders were too weak and sat by and watched, instead of stopping the Fuehrer's aggression. The weakness of the allies lead to World War II. Can we now say that World War III is not far away anymore? The situation is worse than in the 1930's, as now the bigger Cities are infiltrated and have up to 25% immigrated Muslims.

A question I am not going to answer in this article is: what if one of the Western Allies e.g. Israel is attacked?

The West urgently needs much more unity. We must start considering the Western States as one block, with the U.S. as core-State. Muslim Immigration must be stopped and much more attention should be paid to defense. Regretfully, I only see discord and I have the feeling that there will only be unity when it is too late.

For further information:

Robert Maegh : degree@skynet.be

Submitted by:

Robert Maegh

Robert Maegh is a Belgian engineer, born in Germany in 1945. He spent several years in Africa and the Middle East. "A Holy Terror" is his first novel and a sequel can soon be expected.



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