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Race Relations Between Blacks and Whites In America - Articles SurfingThe state of relations between Blacks and Whites in the U.S. still suffers greatly, and a lack of recognition and understanding by the public and the government only exacerbates the problem. For decades, the U.S. government has been repeatedly accused of neglecting this problem by not properly addressing its components - which are oftentimes vividly played out in schools, on the streets, in the media, and in the workplace. One of the loudest complaints by Americans is that Congress and the Federal Government have never waged war against racism. While billions are spent fighting terrorist regimes thousands of miles away from the U.S., the government has allowed race relations within American communities to diminish. There is a rekindled White supremacy movement, which discredits many sociologists who claim that racism no longer exists. These extremist groups, including the KKK and anti-government organizations, have seen a rapid increase in membership since September 11. There are also Black and Hispanic gangs that advocate intolerance, and by doing so, promote violence. While these are vivid displays of blatant racism that need unprecedented attention, there are other forms of inequality that may have a more profound effect on livelihood. During the Hurricane Katrina evacuations, many media outlets and reporters referred to the largely Black population of displaced New Orleanians as, "refugees". Some wonder whether these same labels would have been applied to White persons fleeing San Francisco during a similar disaster. Coupled with economic and political inequalities, media insensitivity can create heightened resentment since these types of misaligned portrayals can reach large audiences. For many in the U.S., racial inequality is about fairness and elitism. The American political system is divided down racial lines, and so is the economic power grid. In fact, both are visibly lopsided, and some believe this sits at the core of racial division. Fundamentally, a war between the "haves" and "have-nots". Many Americans do not recognize certain instances of racism since they are subtle, or difficult to detect. For many, there is a nagging desire to believe that the civil rights movement of the 1960s solved the problems that were carried over from prior history. But clearly, this is not the case. Adversely, there are those who sadly hold on to anger and bitterness which is directed towards history's atrocities. However, harboring these types of emotions, cloud ethical judgment and prevents progress by destroying the opportunities for growth and healing. While systemic and institutionalized racism have robbed people of color of the many advantages available to others in the U.S., the problems do not lie squarely with White Americans. A number of influential Black leaders have often been quoted spewing disparaging remarks about Whites and other ethnicities. There are also bouts with intra-racism in many Black communities which further separates a group of people who should be solidified in their uniqueness. Cultures change and fluctuate over the years, and American race relations are progressively moving towards more individuality and intolerance, and less towards harmony. Whether this is fueled by anger, fear, or miscommunication, the fact remains that the end result is a divided nation. The quality of the human experience within U.S borders can be vastly effected by skin color and economic status, and the country cannot sustain this type of disconnect much longer.
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