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Article Surfing Archive10 Reasons To Sell And Rent Back Your Property - Articles SurfingThere are many reasons that can bring a person to want to sell their home. Many people do not realise that they have the option to sell their home and then rent it back. This is an option that works well for many single people as well as families. Often people want to keep their financial problems confidential and this is a good way to do just that. 1. One of the top reasons people may sell their home and rent it back would be to avoid a bankruptcy on their record. With the way the economy is today worldwide, and it is no wonder that people are falling deeper in debt, with no way out except to file bankruptcy. 2. People may sell their home and decide to rent it back to avoid being evicted. They may have fallen behind on their payments and are finding it hard to catch up with these payments. 3. There are also people who wish to be able to stay in their home after they've gone through tough divorce. This can be achieved by selling the property and then renting it back. Your basic tenet rules may be a little stricter but it all depends on what companies you go with. 4. Some people wish to sell their home as they cannot do the upkeep on the property but they do not want to leave it, only to have to find another home to live in. 5. Another common reason that people may want to sell their home and rent it back is to avoid the bank from repossessing the home. 6. If you find yourself in debt way over your head, rather than getting rid of your home all together, you can choose to sell it. You can get the equity out of it and then rent it back. This way it is a win-win situation, you clear your debt and get to keep the home you have come to love so much. 7. With our economy getting harder and harder to deal with, it is no wonder that people can no longer afford the taxes on their homes. This could be a reason why people may want to sell their home but not necessarily leave it all together. 8. With the fall of more and more natural disasters on our economy, homeowner's insurance premiums are on the rise. This makes it so homeowners can no longer afford to pay the insurance as well as taxes on their homes. 9. Many people have built up a great deal of equity in their home but the only way to get the equity out would be to take a loan out on a house or to sell it. Most often people do not want to leave their home but would like to have the money they built up in equity. Thankfully, there is the option to sell their home and then rent it back so they get the equity as well get to stay in the home. 10. Sometimes people no longer want the responsibility of being a homeowner. The economy being as tight as it is today, more and more people are walking away from their homes. The rate of bankruptcy and foreclosures are on a world record high. This can be a solution to the problem that way the homeowner can keep their credit in good standing and the bank doesn't have an unwanted home on their hands.
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