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Article Surfing Archive3 Do's And 3 Don'ts For The Perfect Landscaping - Articles SurfingSummer is just around the corner and with the weather warming and the trees budding it's time for many people to think about their next landscaping projects. With so many appealing options to choose from, it is incredibly easy to fall in love with landscaping. You can add a fountain or plant a garden, but whatever it is it is important you know what you are doing. Here are 3 do's and don'ts when it comes to planning the perfect landscaping project. Do's 1. Look before you start It can be easy to want to just jump into the project, but look at the overall landscape before doing anything. You should look at the entire area and consider it fair game for whatever project you are planning. By looking at one area at a time, it will be easier to plan out the look of the entire yard and make one area flow into the next. 2. Develop a focal point For the best results, you want the eye to travel to a specific point or destination. This can be done with one or two visual elements that will capture the attention and make you pause for a second. Creating a focal point can be done with a seating area that is within the design or a large fountain in the middle of the yard. Focal points are usually towards the back and middle of the garden but can be placed anywhere that visually makes sense. 3. Mix and match There is nothing worse than having the same color or the same design throughout the entire landscape. It is boring and monotone, which makes it vital you mix and match. But you must do so carefully for it to work. The basic idea is to find two or three visually creative ideas and mix and match them with the inside and outside. It will bring the landscape to life. Dont's 1. Don't eliminate the yard While you do want to consider the entire yard fair game for planning, you do not want to completely eliminate the yard. It is fine to add brick or stone, but having greenery can liven up the yard and give it a good mixture. Having a patch of grass can help cool the landscape on a hot day and provide a soothing feel. 2. Don't take on multiple styles If you are looking for a way to ruin your landscape, try to take on two different styles. You want to find a style and stick to it to create the perfect landscape. You are doomed if you are going to try and mix a stone courtyard with a bright garden. 3. Don't skip out on unseen materials Materials that keep the flowers alive or keep the stone in tact should not be kept to the minimum. Make sure to have the right amount of materials to complete the project correctly. If you are building a wall, not having the correct amount of base can cause it to fall. Be safe and follow the directions correctly.
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