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Article Surfing Archive3 Reasons To Hire A Realtor To Help You Buy A Home! - Articles SurfingBuying a home is one of the most stressful ' and exciting ' events most people will ever experience. If you've never bought a home before, hiring a realtor to help you through the home buying process is practically a must! Even if you've gone through the home buying process before (especially if you've gone through it before) you know that it is a good idea to hire a realtor to help you find your new home. There are so many details involved with purchasing a house, that having a realtor to help you remember them all will minimize the chances that you will 'get taken for a ride'. Housing prices right now are the highest they've ever been ' so even a small mistake or misunderstanding can be VERY costly! Here are 3 good reasons to hire a realtor (and NOT the same one selling the home!) to help you buy a home: 1) It does not cost you, the buyer, anything. While most realtors will ask you to sign a contract, there is usually no cost involved. If you are asked to pay a small fee, ask that it be waived, especially if this is your first time buying a house. But having a realtor help you avoid just one mistake could save you a SIGNIFICANT amount of money! 2) The advice of a professional is often very valuable. Buying real estate can be very complex ' not knowing all the rules can put you at a disadvantage. Plus, having an extra set of eyes and ears to help you look out for problems (and opportunities) can make a BIG difference. 3) There are many steps involved, and when you are excited about a house, it's easy to miss a step. Or make an offer that is too high (or too low). Or forget an item you wanted to negotiate. One simple mistake can easily cost you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. And once contracts are signed, it is often too late to go back and fix something that was missed. Sure, you can learn a lot about buying real estate from books and manuals found in your local bookstore and online: ' House hunting But once your emotions get involved ' and your bank account ' the home buying process can get very hectic. So having a realtor, one who know what you are looking for, and who knows the 'ins' and 'outs' of the process, is a step you should not pass over!
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