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Article Surfing ArchiveBad First Impressions Will Turn Home Buyers Away - Articles SurfingFirst impressions are very important when you are selling your home. In fact, making a good first impression can make all the difference. So be sure to present your home in its best light right from that very first time your prospective buyers set eyes on it. Indeed, this is one of the frustrations all real estate agents have to deal with. They carefully research the available homes, and then go to the trouble of making an appointment so the prospective buyer can have a first hand look at the home. Then when they drive up in front of the home the buyer says, "I don't want to look at this. I don't like the looks of the front." It is not easy to overcome these first impressions. Once they are made, you and your agent will be fighting against them every step of the way. So the first place to start is with the front of the house. Stand at the street and look at your house from the perspective of the buyers who are coming to look at it. -- First, have a close look at the landscaping. If all you can see are trees and shrubs, you have some yard work to do. The purpose of landscaping is to enhance the home, not hide it. One of the easiest and least expensive things you can do is trim the shrubs that are overgrown. They should be lowered to a height near the bottom of the windows. -- If there is ivy growing on the side of the home, remove it. If there are trees with low hanging branches, or shrubs that have grown a bit out of control, be sure to have them trimmed so they look neat and tidy. A simple rule of thumb for large trees is to trim the limbs high enough so you can walk comfortably under the tree. -- Now look closely at the flower beds. They should be neat and tidy with a distinct border between the beds and the yard. Get rid of all the weeds, and make room for some flowers. Everyone dreams of a "Home & Garden" type home with neat and tidy flower beds and bright colorful flowers in them. Clean out those beds of all weeds and overgrowth. Trim the shrubs back to leave some room for flowers. -- Invest in a few flats of flowers such as petunias or begonias that will last the entire growing season and will add color and beauty to the front of your home? Another nice touch is to put some attractive flower pots on the porch or front step. Fill them with bright red geraniums or some other blooming plants. -- Next, take a look at the front door and the area around it. These are the most important points of contact between your home and the prospective buyers who will be coming to look at it. If you paint nothing else, at least give the entrance area a fresh coat of paint. If the doorbell is broken, replace it. Make sure the mail box is clean and not overflowing with junk mail. Keep the porch swept, and be sure to get an attractive mat to put in front of the door. Now you've taken the first important steps towards making a good first impression.
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