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Article Surfing ArchiveBland Exterior Walls And Selling Your Home - Articles SurfingAs time has passed, even tract homes have been built with more interesting designs. Alas, older homes tend to have large, bland walls that need to be addressed before listing your property for sale. Bland Exterior Walls And Selling Your Home If you go out to a new development these days, you will note the master architectural plans for the homes definitely contain a creative flair. No longer do you find four sided structures. Instead, efforts are made to create interesting shapes and angles to give a tract home a certain flair beyond the ordinary. Simply put, box structures are out. But what if you have an older home that is basically a box structure? You need to figure out a way to spruce up those long, blank stucco walls. Here are some ideas. When it comes time to list your property for sale, you need to focus on making the property as enticing as possible for buyers. This is generally known as curb appeal, but applies to the interior of the home as well as walls that cannot be seen from the street. In older developments, most tract homes have at least one wall on the side of the home that is just a big, blank wall with nothing to break it up. It is the rare buyer indeed that will find anything attractive about such a wall. Fortunately for you, making even a modest effort to spruce up the wall will make your home standout in the neighborhood. More importantly, it will stand out from similar homes around it that are also being sold. When dealing with such a wall, it is time to thing about vegetation. At first glance, you may think this simply means planting bushes or flowers along the bottom of the wall. While that is a decent first step, there is a better option. The problem with simply using bushes or flowers is the wall tends to be fairly high. Landscaping at the bottom does not do much to address the upper half of the wall. A much better solution is the use of vines. When dealing with your long blank wall, vines are an optimum solution. They tend to grow quickly. The tend to be hardy. They can immediately be placed in such a way as to cover or break up the area on the upper half of the wall. They also quickly break up the monotony of the wall, even if they haven't grown much yet. When planting vines, it is important that you do not attach them to the wall. The potential buyer may want to plant something else, so you don't want to ruin the paint and so on. A better solution is to first put in lattices and then attach the vines to those. This keeps the vines from attaching to the wall and causing damage. When preparing to list your property for sale, look to see if you have any blank walls. If you do, vines are usually a good answer and a way to separate your home from those around it.
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