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3 Keys to Better Online Copywriting - Articles Surfing

So you want to be a better online copywriter, huh? You may be good at writing *getting straight A's for research reports and that sort of thing. But online copywriting is different sort of animal. And as good as you may be at your game. This one has a few rules of its own.

When you copywrite for the internet. You are basically doing two things. You are doing marketing and writing good articles.

If you neglect either, you will put across the impression that you are on a marketing campaign that has a few screws loose. The marketing aspect will gauge whether you can attract attention. It will ascertain if you can connect with the reader and get his or her attention.

The writing aspect will prove if you can get the message across clearly and creatively. If your writing is not polished, the reader will get the impression that you are not a professional at what you are doing. And this is a bad thing to start with.

To avoid this you must keep in mind a few keys to online copywriting success. These keys will help you get a firmer grasp on the interplay between writing and marketing so you can better you copywriting powers.

1. Be Creative

Don't look for rules when doing your copywriting. Rules are good because they help set a standard for which all of your work will adhere to. Unfortunately, rules can sometimes dampen one's creative spirit.

In today's fast-paced information world, he who remains dormant loses out. To keep up with the times you must be constantly on the look out for fresh and exciting ways to get your customer's attention. This could be a new concept of writing or a creative way to push an advertisement.

The internet makes a lot of new things possible. We are only beginning to scrape the tip of the iceberg with the possibilities the internet brings to the online marketer, and the online copywriter.

For example, some would use startling trivia to get the readers attention. Or blurt out something so preposterous, it would shock the life out of readers * which of course will lead to a logical conclusion that drives interest to the product or service the copywriter is pitching.

However, you must be careful that your creativity will not come across as annoying or misleading. This will drive people away instead of attracting them.

For example, some copywriters would create ads that present a seemingly irresistible offer. The reader, interested by the ad would read on further, only to find out that the first offer was just a ruse to get attention. This would seriously annoy the reader and dash any hope that he or she would develop any further interest in your product.

2. Attention, Attention, Attention

If you ad cannot attract attention, it is a failure. Your ad should be one that when placed among other ads, it would stand out.

Remember that you are not the only one who tries to get ads across to internet users. There will always be competition waiting in the wings. Never be complacent and settle for so-so advertisements. They will only get lost in the rubble of ads that litter the internet.

How do you make the ad stand-out? First of all, you cannot make the ads stand-out for all people. You must remember that you are targeting a specific portion of the population. If your products are pipes, you are trying to speak directly to those who are in need of pipes.

You will have to make an ad that stands out to them. Get their attention! Say something loud, but honest! Make them an offer they cannot refuse. But always make an offer you can come through with.

3. Focus on Benefits, Not the Features

People are not concerned with the features, believe it or not. They want a general statement of how your product or service will benefit them. Don't go around saying, *Look at my deluxe, 200-horsepower, chrome-plated, vacuum cleaner. It can suck up marbles, dust, and other stuff.* This does not attract people.

Say instead, *Clean any carpet, no matter how dirty it may be!* This leaves out the details but goes ahead to address the direct need of the user. If your product features details that you are sure will sweep the reader off his feet. You may present if after addressing his primary need.

Don't Forget These Keys

These are merely guidelines that outline the basic tenets of online copywriting. With your talent, you can be sure that you can aid the evolution of the online copywriter. Keep these keys in mind and you can be sure your online copywriting skills will dramatically improve.

Submitted by:

Daegan Smith

Daegan Smith is the leader of the fastest growing team of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on the action FREE at http://www.comlev.net.




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