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Article Surfing Archive5 Smart Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas - Articles SurfingThere were times When I'm ready to write down an article I just don't have any idea about what to write, because basically I don't know where to begin. I'm sure that many of you have encountered this kind of situation before. But Now I want to share with you several techniques that could help us to find ideas, so we can start writing good articles for our audience. 1. Participate in chat rooms. You can look for chat rooms that related to your targetedaudience, see what kind of questions people are asking andyou can also ask people what kind of information they'reinterested in. People do talk about their problems, so this is a good place for you to start looking for ideas. You can use chat services such as Yahoo Messenger Chat Rooms, Mirc, ICQ, etc. 2. Watch your local broadcasting media. Wake up and take notice of what happening around the world from Tv, news, talkshows. You usually can find hot topics to discuss with your audience or write down an article about it. You could also relate your article with holiday, season, past events, future events. Etc 3. Ask your audience what they want to read. Ask them what kind of topics they want to see published on yourweb site. Perhaps this is the easiest way to find idea, because when you know what your audience want to read, surely they will be more enthusiastic to read you article because you give them what they want to read, what they want to know. 4. Check you guest book comments. If you have a guest book or shoutbox on your website,please don't get bored in reading your visitors' commentsbecause sometimes they leave questions or comments that would help you generate high readership articles. 5. Check online bookstore's best sellers list. Where else can you find a good resources for a winninghot topic? Just see that best sellers list, I'm surethat you will find a lot of ideas to write article. Or you can even write down ebook's review for your audience.
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