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Article Surfing ArchiveA Few Tips For Writing A Research Paper - Articles SurfingEvery person will have to write a research paper at some point in their lifetime. If you do not know the steps to writing a research paper, then it can become an overwhelming proposition. However if you know the steps to writing a research paper, then the task is not at all daunting. Breaking a research paper into small steps also allows you to focus on one part of the research paper at a time, which will translate into a much better finished product. Here are the steps needed to write a successful research paper: Pick a Topic * The first step in writing a research paper is picking a topic. Make sure that you pick a topic that is interesting to you, and has plenty of information available about it. Write a Thesis * A thesis can be defined as a dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research. Your thesis should be the main focal point of your research paper, and all the research that you gather for the paper should focus on this point. Research * You should gather research that supports your thesis, and builds a case that your point of view is correct. As a rule of thumb I usually try to use is to gather at least half as many pages worth of notes than pages that I have to write. Write an Outline- After gathering all of the research needed to write the paper the best thing to do next is write an outline. Writing an outline will help you to get your thoughts in order, and start to create the structure of your research paper. Write a Rough Draft * Writing a rough draft is a great way to start to pour your ideas onto paper without worrying about everything being perfect. During this step you will want to write the introduction and conclusion paragraphs after writing all body paragraphs, because it makes them much easier to write this way. Make Corrections/Changes * During the next step you will want to review your rough draft and make any changes or corrections before you write the final copy of your research paper. Write a Final Copy * In the final step you implement all of the changes to transform you rough draft into a final copy. Once you are finished with this step you will want to reread your paper to check to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, and that your research paper makes sense.
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