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Article Surfing ArchiveA Writer's Need For Community - Articles SurfingI*d like to present three easy steps to getting published. Well, I*d like to, but there's usually more than three and they are never easy. Many aspiring writers I encounter believe if they can just get their article to an editor the editor will see the value in the work and want to sign them to a contract of some sort. Now, this is rarely verbalized by the author, but the dream-dashing is very evident when they receive their first rejection slip. There's almost an innate romantic notion that a writer's life will likely include a secluded cottage with a direct hotline for their editor to visit with. The view out the window generally includes a lake or the ocean with a sailboat prominently framed in the window. A cup of tea or coffee sits beside the laptop, notepad or typewriter. The hair of the author is perfect and there exudes a great sense of peace as the author completes their work on their latest masterpiece. Writing in the real world often takes place as your children find something new to argue about, or when you should really be doing something else, or as the phone rings, or even as everyone else finally drifts off to sleep. The creativity required for writing can take a great deal of emotional energy. It's hard to accept when that hard work seems to be rejected, often in an impersonal way. The journey of an author is often a very personal and sometimes solitary existence. A local, regional or online community like FaithWriters©.com can greatly assist a writer in the area of encouragement and practical advice from others who have been where you are. You should avail yourself of market resources that allow you to research various publications that may your style. Work though a story that is tailor-made for the publication you have chosen, revise your first draft, pour over the content and continue making revisions and, if you can, find someone who will also proof the material and provide honest feedback on content and style. Once these things are accomplished don't give in to fear. I know fear is something every writer wrestles with, but the truth is an editor will never have the chance to say yes if they never see your manuscript. Sure, they might say no, but it's no fun living your life in the midst of *What Ifs*. A writing community can be the means of providing the encouragement you need to move from closet writer to submitting writer. In the end, that encouragement may well mean you will be able to make the claim of published author.
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