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Article Surfing ArchiveBuilding Relationships Through Your Sales Copy - Articles SurfingWhenever you try to sell anything you need to build a relationship with your reader. Few people will buy without this vital connection between you and those reading your sales copy. It doesn't matter what sort of sales copy you are using. It can be a small classified ad or a full-blown Sales page. Unless you can build up this vital relationship with your reader you will make little or no sales. How do you define a relationship built on merely reading your sales copy? It is the feeling a reader will have about you when reading your ad or sales letter. Your aim with any of your sales copy is to build a good rapport with your reader. What sort of feelings do you want to create in your reader? 1. Empathy A feeling of empathy: Your reader wants to feel that you understand their needs and wants. When you sympathize with your readers' needs they will be able to form a bond, they will be able to say, "yes this person understands what I want and understands the problems I am facing." Creating a feeling that you can and will help them resolve their problem. Do not just reel off facts and figures. Show your reader positive and strong reasons why your product will help them. In this way they will feel that you are genuinely interested in solving their problems and really have a product /service that will do this. Trust is the main ingredient in building a relationship with your potential customer. Sales can be made or lost on this all-important feeling. When people build trust in you and your product/service they will buy. How do you achieve this? 1. Personalize Create the need to buy your product 1. State the problem your reader has and emphasize their need to resolve it. Declare your USPS (unique selling position) State what your product/service can do and how it will greatly help your reader solve a problem or satisfy a desire. More techniques that will help you build a relationship. 1. Use of "trigger words" "Trigger words" are words that touch your reader's emotions. They make them feel good and be more inclined to buy. for example: Do not just "build your business" "skyrocket your business." You can see one trigger word can make your reader feel elated and optimistic that this can happen. With this feeling in mind a sale is very much more likely, and you have achieved this with one word. When you use these trigger words you will build a good rapport with your prospective buyer, and increase your chances of a sale. Presentation is critical to the overall impression your visitor will get about you. When your ads and sales pages look good your reader will be impressed and perceive you as a true professional. First impressions are indeed lasting and if your visitor sees you as a professional they will build a good relationship with you as they read your copy. So next time you send out an ad however small remember that everything your reader sees in your copy will build a relationship and can make or break your sale. Strive to impress your reader, build a relationship and then close the sale with your stunning ad copy.
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