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Politics and Government Articles Table of Contents Part 2 - Free Articles from ArticleSurfing.com

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FACE OFF: Morales vs. Merkel
Facts About the Management of American Ports
Facts About the Second Most Controversial Topic in America - The First Is Abortion
Fannie Mae Gives Minimal Assistance to Hurricane Katrina Victims
FBI on the Fourth of July!
Feisty Candidates Spar for Vote
Fight Local Government Apathy - Become Involved
Five Lies You Are Being Told
For The Sake Of Anti-Terrorism. Oh! My!
Free Markets Cannot Succeed
French Presidential Election: Nicolas Sarkozy's Position On European Matters
Garbage - by The Bitch! (not literally!)
Gas Prices To Come Down Unless George Bush And Big Oil Intervene
Gender-based Violence
Gender Bias vs Race Bias Still Alive In America?
George Bush Is This One Truth Away From Total Popularity In America
George W. Bush's Convenient Truth
German-EU Threat Worse Than Arab Terrorists
Get the Right People for Better Revenue
Give Your Enemy the Keys to Your House
Global Warming
Global Warming Is It Real?
Government Apathy - A Different View
Green Effort To Impact Sunshine State
Growing Up Canadian
Guilt, Winning and Losing
Gun Control Will Solve Nothing
Harmful Spending Habits
Harsh Economic Realities for Amercia's Families
Healthcare - Why Congress Can't Fix It
Health Care and Michael Moore: Who's the real 'SICKO?'
Heal Our Republic: Change Our Electoral System
Hello, hello, hello! The Bitch Explores the Policeman's Top - and Bottom!
Hemp and Legal Implications
HE WILL ALSO INVADE THE BEAUTIFUL LAND...The U.S.-Israel Strategic Alliance - Part III
He Will Confirm A Covenant With Many...The U.S.-Israel Strategic Alliance - Part II
Hidden Power of Papacy: A Well-Kept Secret
Hillary Clinton: Democrats Are Betting On the Wrong Horse
Hillary, Republicans and Oprah Oh My!
Hitler's Positive Christianity...Unleashing the Patriotic Church
Homosexuality In Greece. Not What You Would Think
How Can We Convince Immigrants to Learn English?
How Owning A Great Dane Is Effected By It's Personality
How The Poor Were Lost
How to Find the Right Charities to Help Hurricane Katrina Victims?
How To Really Save Planet Earth: A Test About Al Gore
How to Send Care Packages to Troops Overseas
How To Tackle The ACLU And Win: Is The "Intelligent Design" Program "Religion?"
Hurricane Discrimination
Hurricane Katrina ' IRS Waiving Diesel Fuel Penalties
ICommunityFoundation ' A Concept Whose Time Has Come
Illegal Immigration And The Catholic Church
Illegal Immigration 'Crackdown'
Illinois' Network of Social Services
Immigrants Must Learn English and Become Americans
Immigrant Integration, 6 Ways To Help You Become A Happy And Well Adjusted Immigrant
Immigration - Can We Use God's Inspiration To Solve The Problem
Immigration Reform: Some Signs It Is Getting Closer
Immigration Reform: When Will It Happen? Will It Happen?
Income Trusts Insider Information
India's Supreme Court Temporarily Bars Approval of Genetically Modified Crops
Individuals versus Collectivists: Differences In Attitude Between Russians And Americans
Instantly Pinpoint Your Political Identity
Insurance 101 - Undermining America for the Good of Americans
Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: The German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
Interfering with The Bitch! - UK News Reviewed
Internet and Cable TV Shake Up Democracy
Iraqi-Americans: Not In My Neighborhood!
Iraq Study Group ' Calling Thomas Jefferson
Is Communism Dead Yet?
Is Harry Belafonte A Naive Mouthpiece For The Far Left?
Is Our Government To Blame For High Gas Prices?
Is There Anything More Disingenuous Than a Whining, Petulant Political Party in America?
Is There A Difference In The Values Of The Two Major Parties
Is This India's Finest Hour?
I Am A Friend Of Naxalites: Nirmala Deshpande
'I Do What I Think Needs Doing.' - Dec. 21, 2005 Interview With Gore Vidal
I Report - You Decide
I Saw a Dead Child Today
Jesus And Mohammed Were Schizophrenics
JFK Conspiracy And Other Historical Secrets
Journalist Persecuted For Documenting Bush Family Connections to Nazi Regime
Kahane Was Right!
Kashmir Terrorism: Origin and Growth
Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction (Book Review)
Leadership and Perception
Leadership and Scrotes
Leave Our Overseas Care Workers Alone!
Let's Honor Hitler? A Stupid Stress Management Question
Live from New York's U.N. Theatre ' The Devil and the Dancing Dictators
Local Elected Officials - The End Of An Era
Local Government and Politics - Meetings are the Challenge
Local Government Apathy
Local Government Apathy - Alarming Statistics
Local Government Apathy - An International Problem
Local Government Elections - An Inside Look
Local Government Elections - The Great Unopposed
Local Government Politics - How To Be Effective?
Local Government - Solving Problems
Locating Free Public Service Radio Commercials for your Organization
Lost in Translation: California Community Dispute Resolution Programs Denied Funding
Lukashenko's Dirty Tricks To Win Belarus President Election
Made in the USA
Mark Foley - Gay Congressman Resigns - The Real Deal
Mayor Villaraigosa and the Truth about Cats and Dogs
Mayor Wonka and the New Orleans Chocolate Factory
Media in Society
Mexican Immigration & US Expatriation: An Irony with a Silver Lining?
Middle East Peace Is An Oxymoron
Military Widows Organization Valentine's Day Fundraiser
Minister Launches Consultation on Simplifying Immigration Law
Mission and Vision Statements for Government Leadership Development
Mistreatment And Misgovernment Of The Poor In Developed Countries
Misuse of Statistics in Media: Political Motivation
Mother Tells All About White House Sex Slave Ring And Son's Kidnapping
Moving Day in Gaza?!
NAACP Decides to Symbolically Bury the "N" Word in a Major Move Forward
Nagin's Naggin'
National Animal Identification System is a Bad Idea
Natural Disasters - New Orleans
Navy Seal dies the hero's death in Iraq
Network Against Coup D'etat in Thailand and the Rural Poor Dilemma
Newspapers And Political Bias
New Defense Secretary Changes Everything ' Perhaps
New York Green Building Initiative
Nitwit Nation: Is America Too Dumb for Democracy?
North Korea: A Nuclear Player
North Korea ' Yes, You Have Our Attention
Not "Peak Oil", But Lots More Oil
No Human Rights For Jews
No Matter What America Does The Rest Of The World Will Never Like Us
Nuclear Energy - The Green Solution
Nuclear Terrorism
Objections To A Single-Payer Plan In America
Oil Prices Approach Historic High
Oil Shortgages - A Solution
OK! Now I Am Ready To Close Gitmo!
Olmert Plays with German Fire
Open Letter to Senator Clinton & Senator Obama
Origin of US Military: A Tradition of Honor, Loyalty and Courage
Overcoming Adversities and Leadership: Profile of US Senator Daniel Inouye
Pakistan Earth Quake Donation Appeal
Peace On Earth, A Wonderful Wish, But No Way
Peres Came To Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Physics and the Bible Both Suggest Natural Causes for Global Warming (Part 1)
Physics and the Bible Both Suggest Natural Causes for Global Warming (Part 2)
Police and Effective Communication
Police Brutality - How to Fight Back
Police Ethics
Political Correctness Is On Par With Communism - The Bitch!
Political Marketing, Meet Marketing 2.0
Political Radio Advertising for 2006
Political Reality of Iran
Political Robo Calling that works
Politics Needs Enthusiasm, Not Power
Poverty in America: Over 35 million living below the poverty line
Preachers Of Love Versus Preachers Of Hate
Prelude to Hillary/Warner '08
Preparing For And Surviving Politics For The Police Executive
Preparing for the Next Terror Attack -- Are We Ready?
President Bush ' Contrasting The Decision Making Skills Of JFK and George W. Bush
Priests Perform Purification Rituals After Bush Visits
Privacy Versus Security
Pro-Lifers Stand Together: Honk If You Love Protesters
Putin's Nation State Model
Race Relations Between Blacks and Whites In America
Real Leadership -- Stability In A Sea Of Change
Recent California Election: a Cash Cow Tipping Contest
Reefer Madness Replaced by Hydro Hysteria
Reflections on Representative Government
Refugee v. Evacuee: Languaging the Hurricane Disaster
Religion, "Nutters", and Mr Bean - The Bitch!
Road Deaths In Ireland
Rush Limbaugh's See, I Told You So (Book Review)
Rush Limbaugh's The Way Things Ought To Be (Book Review)
Russians Live Lives of Interdependence
Russian Belief Systems

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